Graphico works with either Java or C++. The design of Graphico is based on OpenGL. Two independent Java versions of Graphico exist. The first version renders to a Java image that can be displayed in a Java application or any internet browser capable of executing Java 1.1 code. The second version uses Java 3D for increased performance. The C++ version uses OpenGL.
See Overview for more details.
GoJava version -> goJava.src.jar
GoJava3D version -> goJava3D.src.jar
GoCpp version -> goCpp.src.jar
NOTE: These downloads do not include the goText or goAdobeIllustrator packages. They will need be be gotten separately.
Clone this entire distribution -> goWeb.jar
(Useful for getting a local copy of the documentation and
examples, or for redistribution of Graphico on the web.)