Class GoSelection


public class GoSelection
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
protected GoSelection(Go go)
Method Summary
 int name(int stackIndex)
          Returns the name at a specified name stack index.
 GoSelection next()
          Returns a pointer to the next selection item.
 int stackSize()
          Returns the number of names on the name stack when the primitive selected was rendered.
 double zMax()
          Returns the maximum Z value of the selection.
 double zMin()
          Returns the minimum Z value of the selection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected GoSelection(Go go)
Method Detail


public int stackSize()
Returns the number of names on the name stack when the primitive selected was rendered.

Each time push(Go.NAME) is called, the name stack grows by one. Likewise, each time pop(Go.NAME) is called, the name stack shrinks by one. The method name(int) is used to set the name at each stack index.

For more information on traversing the selection list, see selection.


public int name(int stackIndex)
Returns the name at a specified name stack index.

The name at stackIndex is returned.


public double zMin()
Returns the minimum Z value of the selection.


public double zMax()
Returns the maximum Z value of the selection.


public GoSelection next()
Returns a pointer to the next selection item.

If null is returned, then the end of the selection list has been reached.

For more information on traversing the selection list, see selection.